

發佈日期 : 2023-12-28

( Kang, Chao-Kai )

 專長:水生生物逆境生理分析、 智慧節能水產養殖、 魚類多樣性、 海洋漁業資源與底棲生物調查、 水產育種與餌料培育技術、 水質與底土品質分析與改善技術
 06-2371938 # 321

  • 112,離岸風電場生態保育環境監測-苗雲彰風場生態環境及生物資源研究,計畫主持人。
  • 112,應用轉爐石作為培植水草基材之生態展示缸,計畫主持人。
  • 111,海水生物氚代謝模式檢測之研究技術委託研究案,共同主持人。
  • 111,海域底質採樣分析專業服務案,共同主持人。
  • 111-112,111年度臺灣港群環境水質、底質監測計畫,協同主持人。
  • 111,離岸風電場生態保育環境監測研究-苗栗及雲彰風場,計畫主持人。
  • 111,水草生態展示缸應用轉爐石飾品造景計畫,計畫主持人。
  • 110-111,110年枋山鄉國軍睦鄰計畫-枋山鄉海洋生態保護改善工程「地形與潮波流量測」,計畫主持人。
  • 110,海域鋁含量採樣分析,協同主持人。
  • 110-113,臺中港外港區擴建計畫(第一期)工程影響漁業權(利)益之補償評估案,協同主持人。
  • 110,110年度大肚溪口野生動物保護區及沿海生態永續計畫,協同主持人。
  • 110,製作環境教育活動之教材--珊瑚復育基座,計畫主持人。
  • 110,離岸風電場生態保育環境監測研究-苗栗風場,計畫主持人。
  • 110-111,「彰化濱海工業區開發工程整體發展規劃委託技術服務」-地形調查、海流及潮汐調查、海陸域水質調查、侵淤成因及因應對策補充調查,研究人員。
  • 110,應用轉爐石建置水草生態展示缸延續計畫,計畫主持人。
  • 109-110,大肚溪口野生動物保護區底棲環境調查計畫,協同主持人。
  • 109,「莿桐腳濱海遊憩區產業」建置海洋牧場對楓港海域生態環境之影響評估—儀器基座維護工作、環境調查工作,計畫主持人。
  • 109-110,大肚溪口重要濕地(含保育利用計畫範圍)委託管理,協同主持人。
  • 109-110,北門濕地急水溪中上游地區(學甲濕地)生態背景監測調查計畫,協同主持人。
  • 109,煉鋼轉爐石應用於海洋牧場對臺灣海洋生態環境之影響評估,計畫主持人。
  • 109,深層海水產業發展現況盤整與未來發展規劃委託專業服務案,協同主持人。
  • 108-109,官田重要濕地(國家級)基礎調查計畫,協同主持人。
  • 108-109,應用轉爐石建置水草生態展示缸計畫,計畫主持人。
  • 108-109,探討虱目魚食道之海水去鹽機制: 氯離子通道蛋白家族(CLC)之表現、內分泌調控與功能,計畫主持人。
  • 107-109,建置轉爐石水族展示缸計畫,計畫主持人。
  • 107-108,臺北港物流倉儲區轉爐石試驗計畫,子計畫主持人。
  • 107-108,轉爐石消波塊驗證計畫,協同主持人。


  • Chen, Y. S., Kang, C. K., Liu, T. K. (2022). Ballast Water Management Strategy to Reduce the Impact of Introductions by Utilizing an Empirical Risk Model. Water, 14, 981.
  • Huang, C. T., Afero, F., Hung, C. W., Chen, B. Y., Nan, F. H., Chiang, W. S., Tang, H. J., Kang, C. K. (2021). Economic feasibility assessment of cage aquaculture in offshore wind power generation areas in Changhua County, Taiwan. Aquaculture, 737611.
  • Yang, W.K., Hsu, A.D., Kang, C.K., Lai, I. P., Liao, P.S. Lee, T.H. (2018) Intestinal FXYD12 and sodium-potassium ATPase: a comparative study on two euryhaline medakas in response to salinity changes, PLoS One13: e0201252.
  • Kang, C.K., Lin, C.S., Hu, Y.C., Tasi, S.C., Lee, T.H. (2017) The expression of VILL protein is hypoosmotic-dependent in the lamellar gill ionocytes of Otocephala teleost fish, Chanos chanos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 203: 59-68.
  • Yang, S.H., Tsai, J.D., Kang, C.K., Yang, W.K., Kung H.N., Lee, T.H. (2017) The ultrastructural characterization of mitochondria-rich cells response to variations in salinity in two types of teleostean pseudobranch: milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Journal of Morphology, 278, 390-402.
  • Chang, C.H., Tang, C.H., Kang, C.K., Lo, W.Y., Lee, T.H. (2016) Comparisons of the integrated responses between the nonlethal and lethal hypothermal stresses of milkfish (Chanos chanos): a proteomic study. PLoS One 11: e0163538.
  • Juo, J.J.*, Kang, C.K.*, Yang, W.K.*, Yang, S.Y., Lee, T.H. (2016) A stenohaline medaka, Oryzias woworae, increases expression of gill Na+, K+-ATPase and Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter 1 to tolerate osmotic stress. Zoological Science 33: 414-425.
  • Yang, W.K., Kang, C.K., Hsu, A.D., Lin, C.H., Lee, T.H. (2016) Different modulatory mechanisms of renal FXYD12 for Na+-K+-ATPase between two closely related medakas upon salinity challenge. International Journal of Biological Sciences 12: 730-745.
  • Chang, C.H., Yang, W.K., Lin, C.H., Kang, C.K., Tang, C.H., Lee, T.H. (2016) FXYD11 mediated modulation of Na+/K+-ATPaseactivity in gills of the brackish medaka (Oryzias dancena) when transferred to hypoosmotic or hyperosmotic environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 194: 19-26.
  • Kang, C.K., Chen, Y.C., Chang, C.H., Lee, T.H. (2015) Seawater-acclimation abates cold effects on Na+, K+-ATPase activity in gills of the juvenile milkfish, Chanos chanos. Aquaculture 446: 67-73.
  • Hu, Y.C., Kang, C.K., Tang, C.H., Lee, T.H. (2015) Transcriptomic analysis of metabolic pathways in milkfish that respond to salinity and temperature changes. PLoS One 10: e0134959.
  • Yang, S.H., Kang, C.K., Hu, Y.C., Lee, T.H. (2015) Comparisons of two types of teleostean pseudobranchs, silver moony (Monodactylus argenteus) and tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), with salinity-dependent morphology and ion transporter expression. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 185: 677-693.
  • Kang, C.K., Yang, S.Y., Lin, S.T., Lee, T.H. (2015).The inner opercular membrane of the euryhaline teleost: a useful surrogate model for comparisons of different characteristics of ionocytes between seawater- and freshwater-acclimated medaka. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 143: 69-81.
  • Chang, C.Y., Shen, C.Y., Kang, C.K., Wayne, H.H.S., Chang, C.C., Lee, T.H. (2014). Taurine protects HK-2 cells from oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity via the ROS-mediated mitochondrial and p53-related apoptotic pathways. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 279: 351-363.
  • Kang, C.K., Lee, T.H. (2014) Medaka villin 1-like protein (VILL) is associated with the formation of microvilli induced by decreasing salinities in the absorptive ionocytes. Frontiers in Zoology 11: 2.
  • Yang, S.H., Kang, C.K., Kung, H.N., Lee, T.H. (2014) The lamellae-free-type pseudobranch of the euryhaline milkfish (Chanos chanos) is a Na+, K+-ATPase-abundant organ involved in hypoosmoregulation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 170: 15-25.
  • Yang, W.K., Kang, C.K., Chang, C.H., Hsu, A.D., Lee, T.H., Hwang, P.P. (2013) Expression profiles of branchial FXYD proteins in the brackish medaka Oryzias dancena: a potential saltwater fish model for studies of osmoregulation. PLoS One 8: e55470.
  • Kang, C.K., Yang, W.K., Lin, S.T., Liu, C.C., Lin, H.M., Chen, H.H., Cheng, C.W., Lee, T.H., Hwang, P.P. (2013) The acute and regulatory phases of time-course changes in gill mitochondrion-rich cells of seawater-acclimated medaka (Oryzias dancena) when exposed to hypoosmotic environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 164: 181-191.
  • Kang, C.K., Tsai, S.C., Lin, S.T., Lee, T.H., Hwang, P.P. (2012) Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR): an apical marker protein of ionocytes for identifying hypoosmoregulation in gills of the euryhaline medaka, Oryzias dancena. Zoological Studies 51: 1270-1281.
  • Kang, C.K., Liu, F.C., Chang, W.B., Lee, T.H. (2012) Effects of low environmental salinity on the cellular profiles and expression of Na+, K+-ATPase and Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter 1 of branchial mitochondrion-rich cells in the juvenile marine fish Monodactylus argenteus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38: 665-678.
  • Yang, W.K.*, Kang, C.K.*, Chen, T.Y., Lee, T.H. (2011) Salinity-dependent expression of the branchial Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter and Na+/K+-ATPase in the sailfin molly correlates with hypoosmoregulatory endurance. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 181: 953-964.
  • Kang, C.K., Tsai, H.J., Liu, C.C., Lee, T.H., Hwang, P.P. (2010) Salinity-dependent expression of a Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter in gills of the brackish medaka Oryzias dancena: a molecular correlate for hyposmoregulatory endurance. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 157: 7-18.
  • Kang, C.K., Lee, T.H. (2010) The palatal organ in buccal cavity of the male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, supplies mucus for building bubble nest. Zoological Science 27: 861-866.
  • Kang, C.K., Tsai, S.C., Lee, T.H., Hwang, P.P. (2008) Differential expression of branchial Na+/K+-ATPase of two medaka species, Oryzias latipes and Oryzias dancena, acclimated to fresh water, brackish water, and seawater. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 151: 566-575.


  • 楊淞宏、謝炎恭、吳姵萱、吳雅容、陳平、康兆凱 (2023)苗栗竹南離岸風力發電場海域棲息之底棲優勢魚種:紅鋤齒鯛(Evynnis cardinalis)生態生理研究」2023年中華民國魚類學會。PA-5。(Poster) 0822
  • Chen, P., Chou, W.S., Kang, C.K. Liu, T.K. (2023) An assessment of green port water quality and improvement in Taiwan: New challenges and opportunities to create blue carbon ecosystem. 6th International EcoSummit Congress. P1.015. (Poster) 0613-0617
  • 康兆凱、謝炎恭、吳姵萱、楊淞宏、周瑋珊、陳平 (2023) 研析彰化離岸風場海域底質沉積物內鋅含量之時空分布。海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表會。PC-8。(Poster) 0502-0504
  • 洪臧燮、周瑋珊、康兆凱、陳平、楊淑雲、吳姵萱、楊淞宏、吳雅容、游荏傑、張至維 (2023) 西部沿海海域底質鋁流布與生物蓄積性影響初探。台灣水產學會112年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。FP-14。(Poster)0107
  • 楊淞宏、謝炎恭、吳姵萱、陳平、康兆凱 (2023) 建立離岸風電場海域魚類整合性指標分析。台灣水產學會112年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。CP-05。(Poster)0107
  • 楊淞宏、謝炎恭、吳姵萱、吳雅容、陳平、康兆凱 (2022)建立魚類整合指標評估國內離岸風力發電場海域漁場環境變遷之研究。2022年中華民國魚類學會。P-33。(Poster)
  • 康兆凱、吳雅容、吳姵萱、陳平、楊炳達 (2022) 建立室外養殖池中虱目魚環境DNA之檢測技術。台灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。P-303。(Poster)
  • 楊淞宏、謝炎恭、曾廣瑜、陳平、余進利、林惠真、康兆凱 (2022)苗栗離岸風電場海域底棲生物生態調查研究。台灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。P-157。(Poster)
  • 吳姵萱、謝炎恭、周瑋珊、陳平、余進利、康兆凱 (2022)利用豐年蝦(Artemia salina)無節幼蟲生物急毒性試驗研析不同鋁化合物在海水中之生物安全性。台灣水產學會111年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。P-74。(Poster)
  • 康兆凱、謝炎恭、楊淞宏、曾廣瑜、吳姵萱、周瑋珊、陳平、林惠真、余進利 (2021)苗栗海域離岸風力發電場營運階段之魚類相調查。2021年中華民國魚類學會。P-39。(Poster)
  • 陳平、周瑋珊、康兆凱 (2021) 近十年來桃園河川與海岸水體品質探討。第43屆海洋工程研討會。(Oral)
  • 康兆凱、謝炎恭、楊淞宏、陳平、余進利 (2021) 研析碳酸化轉爐石礁體之聚魚效果。台灣水產學會110年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。CP-02。(Poster)
  • 吳姵萱、謝炎恭、許世霖、吳雅容、陳平、康兆凱 (2021) 建立臺灣西南海域優勢八放珊瑚之培育技術。台灣水產學會110年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會。AP-07。(Poster)
  • 康兆凱, 謝炎恭, 陳平, 楊炳達, 余進利 (2020) 潛水調查棲息於碳酸化轉爐石礁體之魚種. The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan. Abstract book pp. 56. (Poster)
  • 楊淞宏, 吳姵萱, 吳雅容, 康兆凱 (2020) 比較台灣鯛(Oreochromis sp.)耳石型態差異評估其養殖條件之優劣.The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan. Abstract book pp. 41. (Poster)
  • 吳姵萱、吳雅容、楊淞宏、游荏傑、康兆凱 (2020) 開發循環養殖系統之過濾材料—碳酸化轉爐石. The fisheries society of Taiwan. Abstract book pp. 41. (Poster)
  • Kang, C.K., Chen, P., Yang, S.H., Wu, P.H., Wu, Y.R., Chen, C.Y., Chiang, W.S., Chang. J.S., Yu, J.L. (2019) Environmental effects of the concrete protective base with carbonated basic oxygen furnace slags on coastal ecologies. The 41th Ocean Engineering Conference. Abstract book pp. 110. (Oral)
  • Chen, P., Lin, F.J., Cheng, C.Y., Kao, R.C., Wu, H.L., Kuo, R.C., Kang, C.K., (2019) The Feasibility Assessment to Improve the Marine Environment in Magong Inner Bay, Penghu. The 41th Ocean Engineering Conference. Abstract book pp. 108. (Oral)
  • Kang, C.K., Chen, P., Lin, J.H., Wu, C.C., Yu, J.L., Chiang, W.S. (2019) Environmental Impacts of the Breakwater Block Made from the Modified Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags. 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering. Abstract book pp. 162-163. (Oral)
  • Chen, P., Kang, C.K., Yu, J.L. (2019) Coastal Restoration by Utilizing Steel Slag to Create Sea Forest off Southwest Taiwan. 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering. Abstract book pp. 148-149. (Oral)
  • Kang, C.K., Chen, C.H., Lee, T.H. (2019) Comparison of the esophageal desalination between the seawater-acclimated and freshwater-acclimated milkfish. The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan. Abstract book pp. 26. (Oral).
  • 康兆凱 (2019) 應用煉鋼轉爐石改善台灣海洋漁業資源之研究.玉山永續環境論壇暨高潛勢污染場域新興物風險管理與溝通 研討會(Oral, Invited speaker)
  • Yang, S.H., Kang, C.K., Lin, F.J., Chen, P., Yu, J.L. (2019) Investigation of benthos dominant species in sandy bed of Fangshan coast near Fenggang harbor. The fisheries society of Taiwan. Abstract book EP-17. (Poster)
  • Wu, P.H., Kang, C.K., Chen, P., Lin, H.Y., Lee, Y.C., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L. (2019) Biological safety of carbonated basic oxygen furnace slags: acute toxicity effects of free CaO on the euryhaline medaka (Oryzias dancena). The fisheries society of Taiwan. Abstract book EP-16. (Poster)
  • Kang, C.K., Yang, S.H., Lin, J.H., Chen, P., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L. (2019) Development of marine brick with carbonated basic oxygen furnace slag. The fisheries society of Taiwan. Abstract book AP-13. (Poster)
  • Chen, P., Kang, C.K., Yu, J.L. (2019) Marine Life and Coastal Restoration by Utilizing Steel Slag to Create Sea Forest on Sandy Coast of Southwest Taiwan. OCEANS 2019. Abstract book pp. 150. (Poster)
  • Kang, C.K., Yang, S.H., Lin, J.H., Chen, P., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L. (2018) Concrete with carbonated basic oxygen furnace slags to develop artificial reefs. The 40th Ocean Engineering Conference. Abstract book pp. 63. (Oral)
  • Kang, C.K., Yu, J.L., Huang, H.Y., Lin, J.H., Lu, W.H., Chen, P., Chiang, W.S., (2018) Utilization of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags as Aggregates in the Concrete Protective Base of Marine Survey Instruments. 17th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering. Abstract book pp. 82. (Oral, Best young researcher paper)
  • Chen, P., Kang, C.K., Yu, J.L., Liu, T.K. (2018) Application of Steelmaking Slag to Create Sea Forest and Marine Farm in Taiwan-The Biotic Community Development Test. 17th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering. Abstract book pp. 82. (Oral)
  • Kang, C.K., (2018) Development of Marine Brick Using Carbonated Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags for Microalgae Cultivation. Global Harbor Cities Forum 2018. (Oral, Invited speaker)
  • Kang, C.K., Wu, P.H., Chen, P., Lin, H.Y., Li, Y.C., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L., Chen, Y.Y., (2018) Acute toxicity effects of lime on euryhaline medaka (Oryzias dancena) evaluate the biological safety of basic oxygen furnace slag. The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan. (Oral).
  • Chen, P., Liu, T.K., Su, B.R., Kang, C.K. (2018) Established Coastal Environment Condition Assessment off Yunlin, southwestern Taiwan, ECSA57, Perth, WA, Australia. (Poster).
  • Kang, C.K., Yang, S.H., Lin, F.J., Chen, P., Yu, J.L., (2018) Diversity of marine benthos in sandy bed of Fangshan coast near Fenggang harbor. 2018 Ocean Sciences Conference. (Poster).
  • Wu, P.H., Kang, C.K., Chen, P., Lin, H.Y., Li, Y.C., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L., Chen, Y.Y., (2018) The carbonated basic oxygen furnace slag is evaluated biological safety by acute toxicity effect of lime on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juveniles. The fisheries society of Taiwan. (Poster).
  • Yang, S.H., Kang, C.K., Lin, F.J., Chen, P., Yu, J.L., (2018) Investigation of benthos in sandy bed of Fangshan coastal near Fenggang harbor. The fisheries society of Taiwan. (Poster).
  • Kang, C.K., Wu, Y.R., Wu, P.H., Chen, P., Li, Y.C., Wu, C.C., Chiang, W.S., Yu, J.L., (2018) The basic oxygen furnace slag is a novel filter material of circular system for aquaculture. The fisheries society of Taiwan. (Oral).


  • 楊淞宏、謝炎恭、陳平、余進利、康兆凱 (2022)建立底棲生物整合指標評估國內離岸風力發電場海域底棲生物環境變遷之研究。海洋及水下科技季刊第32卷第2期。P-4。
  • 吳姵萱、謝炎恭、周瑋珊、陳平、余進利、康兆凱 (2022)透過豐年蝦無節幼蟲生物急毒性試驗方法研析離岸風力發電場域海水鋁離子之生物安全性。海洋及水下科技季刊第32卷第2期。P-10。
  • 余進利、陳陽益、江文山、張嘉修、李澤民、陳平、康兆凱、林敬樺 (2018),整合二氧化碳礦化封存與海藻固碳再利用營造海洋牧場之研究,第二期能源國家型科技計畫總其成期末成果彙編第187頁。
  • 余進利、陳陽益、江文山、張嘉修、李澤民、陳平、康兆凱、林敬樺 (2017),讓探封印、讓海洋生意盎然的幸福魔法石,全民行健里山和諧(叁)第80-85頁。
  • 余進利、陳陽益、江文山、陳平、康兆凱、林敬樺 (2017),”應用「煉鋼副產品-鈣化石」營造海洋牧場”,成功大學水工試驗所研究試驗報告第514號。
  • 黃煌煇、陳陽益、高瑞棋、楊瑞源、吳念祖、余進利、江文山、陳平、高天韻、周瑋珊、康兆凱 (2015),”雲林離島式基礎工業區永續環境管理計畫-104 年度(第24 年)-(104 年1月~104 年12 月)第1 部份 工業區開發計畫環境監測計畫-(Ⅰ)現階段環境監測計畫調查作業第4 冊 海陸域水質調查”,經濟部工業局。

  • 轉爐石碳酸化裝置-2019台灣發明專利號I66051-發明人: 康兆凱、陳平、林敬樺、江文山、余進利
  • 固碳多孔基材及其生態礁石-2018台灣發明專利I637064-發明人: 林敬樺、康兆凱、陳平、江文山、余進利